
Prostitution in Illinois

Prostitution and any acts related to prostitution are crimes under the Illinois code. Some prostitution-related crimes even require registration as a sex offender. If you are charged with a prostitution related crime in Illinois, consult an experienced attorney for guidance.

What is Prostitution?

In Illinois, performing, agreeing to perform, or offering to perform any sexual act in exchange for anything of value is considered prostitution. In most cases the charge of prostitution is a Class A misdemeanor. However, if you are charged with prostitution within 1000 feet of a school zone, or if it is your second or subsequent prostitution conviction, you will be charged with a Class 4 Felony.

What are the Penalties for Prostitution?

For the first offense, if you are charged with a Class A misdemeanor, it is unlikely you will face more than a fine. However, if you are convicted of a Class 4 Felony (a second or subsequent offense or if you are arrested within 1000 feet of a school zone), then you face up to 24 months of probation. That probationary period will include fines, community service, and mandatory drug testing. If you are arrested for prostitution but are not yet 18 years old, you are not subject to prosecution for prostitution at all. In fact, Illinois law requires an investigation as to whether you are the victim of child abuse or neglect if you arrested for prostitution as a minor.

Sex Offender Registration

Some prostitution-related crimes also trigger a requirement of registration on the Illinois Sex Offender Registry. This is a massive burden for a citizen to face, and you need zealous legal representation to attempt to prevent this from being required as a result of a prostitution conviction. For example, even being convicted of “profiting from prostitution” requires registration as a sex offender.  For purposes of the sex offender registry, there is no bright line distinction between prostitutes, pimps, and clients – all can be considered sex offenders depending on the circumstances.

If you are labeled a sex offender and forced to register, you will need to provide an enormous amount of personal information to law enforcement, keep law enforcement apprised of travel plans, and report any change in address or employment. It is a penalty that lasts for at least 10 years. Sex offender registrants must also notify law enforcement if they will be away from their current address for three or more days and must provide an itinerary for any travel.

The Law Offices of David Freidberg Can Help You

Every prostitution case is different, and no matter what you think your options are, it is best to talk to an experienced prostitution criminal defense attorney who can evaluate the facts of your situation, passionately fight to have your charges dismissed or lowered, and fight inclusion on a sex offender list for a charge of prostitution. Contact us today at 312-560-7100 or email us, and let us fight for your rights.

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