
The Illinois State Police Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry

You have likely heard of the Sex Offender Registry, but have you ever heard of the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry? Likely not, as this type of registry is not as widely publicized and only exists in Illinois and four other states – Oklahoma, Montana, Kansas, and Indiana. The Illinois State Police Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry is a list that provides the public with the names, addresses, and recent photos of certain convicts who live in the state. If you are facing a serious criminal charge or have already been convicted of a crime in Illinois be sure to consult with a local criminal defense attorney about the Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act in order to discuss the registry and determine if it has the potential to impact your life.

Who is Required to Register?

The Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registration Act is contained in code section 730 ILCS 154/1 and details the parameters of the registry. Under the Act, any conviction or adjudication of any of the following statutes requires registration if the victim is less than 18 years old:

  • Kidnapping or aggravated kidnapping,
  • Unlawful restraint or aggravated unlawful restraint,
  • Domestic battery resulting in bodily harm, aggravated domestic battery, heinous battery, aggravated battery of a child, aggravated battery of an unborn child, ritualized abuse of a child, aggravated battery with a firearm, aggravated battery with a machine gun,
  • Home invasion,
  • Child abduction,
  • Forcible detention,
  • First degree murder of a child,
  • First degree murder of an adult (if the murderer was released from the Illinois Department of Corrections after 2001), or
  • Any attempt to commit one of the offenses listed above.

Is the Registry a Good Thing?

The Illinois State Police Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry was created because the Illinois Legislature wanted to enable the public to more easily access information about people convicted of certain offenses against young victims in our state. Even before the registry was created this information was already available to the public, the registry simply made it more accessible. But is the registry a good thing? A recent article in the Chicago Tribune interviewed several people in order to address this question and came back with mixed results.

Several interviewees reported to the Chicago Tribune that the registry is an important public safety measure, especially for victims and their family members who want to carefully keep track of the people who harmed them in the past. Additionally, law enforcement personnel noted that the registry helps police officers investigate recent crimes. On the other hand, other interviewees expressed concern that the database invades the private lives of people who have made mistakes in the past and are now trying to start over. It was also noted that the registry acts as a sort of continuing punishment that continues long after a convict’s jail sentence has been served.

Need Legal Advice?

If you have questions about the Illinois State Police Murderer and Violent Offender Against Youth Registry, or are in need for legal counsel, our office would happy to help. Criminal defense attorney David L. Freidberg defends provides his clients with a vigorous defense without judgment, and our competent defense team can be reached by calling our offices in Chicago (312-560-7100).

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(photo courtesy of Tuválkin)

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